Aurora in The North Pole

Aurora in the north pole - Aurora is an amazing natural phenomenon that only occurs in North and South poles of the earth. Aurora comes from the interaction between magnetic fields owned by a planet with charged particles emitted by the sun. Jets of light glowing on the planet isomer layer.

Aurora in The North Pole

Aurora in The North Pole

Aurora name itself comes from the name of a Roman Goddess of Dawn. The name for the Aurora in the North Pole is the Aurora Borealis. Borealis comes from Bores, the Greek name for north wind. This name was given because the European continent, Aurora in the North Pole looks like the light of sunrise. Aurora borealis always occurred between September and October and March and April.

Aurora Australis As for the Aurora at the South Pole, called the Australian Aurora, which have the same nature as the Aurora Borealis. Sometimes Aurora also appeared in the high mountain peaks in the tropics.

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